It is a very intriguing question. But, no one ever thought that why pubs are so dark? Can pubs be as bright as daylight? Why we always see that pubs are characterized by nighttime? Is it a misconception or custom introduced by our ancestors? A few weeks ago while taking a stroll past Decking Wollongong, a friend brought this up and started pondering over it. Here we will discuss the reasons behind the darkness of pubs. Here we go
More Earning
Pubs want you to don’t think about time. As they maintain a steady dark environment like time stops for a long time and one forgets about time. In this way, one will not give a ride to thoughts to consciously attack his/her mind and make his/her worried psychologically. The dark environment somehow provides an advantage in terms of earning to pubs, as, one spends more time there, more he/she will pay.
All kinds of people always crowd pubs, some are rich, some are poor, some are beautiful, and some are dark, some are perfect according to their set standards, and some are just imperfect. But, when the whole environment is unclear, it will create a sense of equality as no one will be superior or inferior. Everyone is being treated equally. There will no racism. All genders and nations will have equal opportunity to amuse themselves. A dark environment provides calm and soothes one’s mind.
Hygiene Conceal
A dark environment conceals the hygienic condition as hygiene plays a crucial role in an individual’s health. At night or when pubs are very crowded, people used to drink and enjoy their favourite food and other stuff; meanwhile, they spread dirt. Because drinking can put oneself in an exhausted condition. Once drowsiness occurs, individuals do not act in the usual way. They just lost their senses to some extent for a short period. Forgot how to maintain all the things and spread wine on the floor, start spiting where they want, and if pools are available at pubs, sometimes, they pee in that pool. So, a dark environment can protect pubs from humility.
Facilitating Shy People
Some people are very shy and timid. They do not express their thoughts and feeling to their beloved once. They feel unconformable in the presence of others. Pubs can help them express their feelings, take heart touching out of them, and deliver them to the person they love or like, want to make friendship. The dark environment creates a sense of solitude as you and your partner are there; no one keeps an eye on you; you are free to do whatever you want to do.
No More Barriers
Do you want to participate in lively activities? What restricting you? Are you a public thoughts-oriented person? Well, Pubs thinks about all these kinds of people and bringing a comfortable environment to participate in activities like dance, quizzes, different games, interacting with strangers without fear of being criticized or neglected by the society as the pub is also a kind of community where people from other organizations create their organization for a short or long period. Some people found people with a common interest and become friends. Then they start gathering in pubs in the form of short groups.
Biased Analysis
It may be an appealing reason for some people or non-appealing for some as it varies from individual to individual. When people are all ages gather in a pub, drink there and dance. While they dance, some people are victimized by the arousal of different feelings like some couples come close to each other enough that they book private rooms and spend the remaining night over there, taking the joy of love or infatuation.